Children between the ages of six and fourteen hold the basic right to education. It is this right that CFCD Programmes aim to fulfil by offering school education to all children who are part of the cluster of villages and who fall within the age group.
Through the School Education Programme, HCDI and its implementing partners equip all children of school going age with text books, note books, stationery, and even uniforms where required. In order to make up for the poor quality of education often provided in government schools, teachers from within the community, trained for this very purpose, take extra classes in the evenings for these students in the ECC Centres. Furthermore, students who may find it difficult to remain at par with their counterparts due to any personal problem are provided with special attention.
Through its multi-pronged approach, the School Education Programme of the CFCD Programmes of HCDI ensures that children can continue their education uninterrupted and work towards growing up to be well informed, capable adults.