One of the greatest effects of climate change is a rise in world temperature. While a marginal rise may require only minor adjustments in the lifestyle of those who live in urban regions, nature and landscapes are changing drastically and causing a domino effect on everything that is dependent on them.
Rain and snowfall patterns are changing due to rise in temperature. This results in the upward and northern movements of plants which require cooler temperatures for survival. Work done in conservation till now gets affected as the very nature of the landscape shifts, making it uninhabitable as opposed to its previous compatibility for many animals. High temperatures are causing entire landscapes to change, and regions that were once grasslands are turning into forests, while shrubs and trees are beginning to grow in the previously inhospitable Tundra region. Trees and plants are changing their location as they migrate for survival, leaving animals being forced to migrate too. However, development, and other obstacles can block such migration, of plants and animals, and endanger multiple species as they continue to now do. The rise in temperature caused by climate change is one of the primary reason for changing landscapes and the effects thereof.