The successful implementation of the projects and programs of HCDI is heavily dependent on our implementing partners and their staff. The individuals who work at managerial levels, as co-ordinators, at grass-roots levels in the field, and as part of the community, can affect the outcome of our projects. HCDI, therefore, places great importance on the training and skill and capacity development of these individuals, so as to assist them in obtaining the best possible result.
These capacity building workshops are held at regular intervals and cover a range of topics, each of which is related to a point of concern of the community in which we work. Through these capacity building activities, our implementing partners are better able to understand the concerns that plague the villages and communities and provide solutions in a more effective manner. You can learn more about the capacity building workshops we carry out here.
You can help eradicate social problems that exist in villages and communities across India by helping HCDI equip its implementing partners to provide effective solutions. There is no maximum or minimum amount that you need to contribute and you can contribute towards our capacity development programs at any time. All funds received towards capacity building are maintained in a fund for the cause and utilized accordingly.
Please visit the Helping HCDI page to know more about how to send in your donations and contributions to Holistic Child Development India. You can also contact us through the contact form if you have any additional queries.